Bernie was already substantially older than Trump way back then. Sadly, as many have discovered in in the past few years, many Americans are anti-Semitic, and there would have been a HUGE swath of states in the South and the upper Midwest that would have voted for a snake (hey, that describes Trump) rather than a Jew. In a country where most people think the Democrats are too-much influenced by the Left, the affililation with
Democratic-Socialism would have tanked him.
Yeah, can't you just picture Iowa, Ohio, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, North and South Carolina, not to mention all the really "Bubba" states, voting for a Democratic Socialist? We'll never know for sure because one can't prove a counterfactual, but it is Bernie who would have been smoked. Logic and common sense have to take precedence over pipe dreams, either wistful or indignant. No offense meant to you at all, and I say this seriously, but the beliefs of "Hippie Musician Freaks" are not the beliefs of the mainstream. Shalom and Salaam.