BM, I don't know how old you are, but you still sound like a young blood to me. You got a lot of heat, but you don't give a lot of light. How old ARE you? I'm 70, and you're not telling me anything I don't already know and have lived. I called the essay as I called it, because I know what's true. I BEEN KNEW, and that's what I'm writing about. Please do not link to YouTube videos to demonstrate your points. YouTube is a PLATFORM, it is NOT A SOURCE. As we both know, anyone can say anything on YouTube. Its presence on YouTube has no more validity (and maybe even less so) than my grocery list.
You seem to have a great need to lecture i.e., to give your point of view; (I'm thinking Nation of Islam, maybe?) However, you give the same lecture. We got it. We know how you feel. It would be useful if you would/could respond to each essay with something new, added value, but you don't. What did I write about if I didn't write about racism? You didn't engage with what I wrote at all. For you, it's same old same old. Yeah, a lot of white women voted for Trump? Aren't they white too, and not just female?
While I'm always happy that you took the time to read and respond, next time, I'll be looking for something that actually address what I wrote and not the canned talkback with which you generally entertain us. Shalom and Salaam.