Do you know what we need to do to "elevate" ourselves? We need to stop contributing to the trope that black people, men in particular, have no response to provocation other than lizard-brain violence. Heck, it's lizard-brain violence that gets so many of us killed in the first place. When it's considered admirable to respond with a slap, a punch, a knife, or a gun, we're not helping ourselves. We're reducing the number of us, and we're destroying our own promise.
We don't need white supremacy to destroy us. We're doing fine all by ourselves. You, in particular, are helping by painting everyone who disagrees with you as still living on the plantation and seeking the validation of white people. White people LOVE IT when we harm each other. They get more votes from frightened constituents and police departments get larger budgets and more military-grade hardware. If I'm "Mammy" for wanting us to live longer and better by treating one another right, then I'm proud to be a "Mammy."
Now I'm going to get out of the way, as you want me to, because as far as I'm concerned, I'm already elevated. I like to spend my spare time positively elevating others, not calling them names.