I appreciate your point of view, although we obviously disagree. I want to take up your statement about entitlement, though. Sadly, "populist" voters, if you mean working class, adore the wealthy and vote for them at their own disadvantage. How did both Jeb Bush and George W. Bush become presidential candidates, and one of them, perhaps the less-qualified one, win the office? The Trump children are entitled and obnoxious to boot, but Trump supporters support them, and their grifting spouses and girlfriends as well. I could name other examples of Republican candidates whose only "qualification" is their last name, including Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who has no credibility, either as a candidate for office or actually, as a person who wouldn't know the truth if it called her by her first name. Yet, she's a governor.
Now you have called Hilary Clinton "shrillary," for reasons I don't understand, and you have called Biden a "neoliberal failure." How is he a failiure? Just because you label someone doesn't mean that the label fits. What elevator speech did Donald Trump have, other than the dog whistle of "I'm not black?" He won the nomination because 17 other people with egos had their own elevator speeches, and given 17 people on a primary ballot, many people will select the name of the person they've heard of, which is not a substitute for being qualified.
Jill Stein was encouraged by Russia to continue her sure-to-lose quest for the presidency because she would draw votes away from HIlary Clinton. In at least two states, a very consequential Michigan being one of them, Trump's margin of victory was LESS than the number of votes Jill Stein received. You would think Democrats would have learned their lesson in 2000, but obviously, they didn't.
If "the worst off among us" and people of color don't get a clue, then we'll end up being ruled by the neo-Confederates, who tell us what their agenda is several times a day--and they include visuals, generally long arms and Confederate flags, which should scare people more than they have, apparently.
Why am I spending so much time responding to someone who clearly doesn't share my point of view? I'm not a political junkie, but I am a Democratic political nerd, and I know more than most people do about American electoral politics. That's not a brag; it's a fact, so I don't mind giving a little pushback with facts, when people disagree.