I don't know who are you, but you are sure giving "aid and comfort to the enemy." The presence of most people of color (not just black people) on the American continent is due to white supremacy.) Our continuing lack of privilege is at the hands of white people who live with their privilege, but who fail to recognize it. Have you ever asked why some people believe they have the standing to decide who gets what rights and when? If that's not white supremacy, then you tell me what it is.
Would you like to call me a "Victocrat?" I don't know what the "Victo" means to you (or maybe I do) but it means "VICTORY" to me. Every time we show up to beat back racists by showing up to vote is a victory. Our presence is our power, and I refuse to let another black person tell me, and others, that we are our own oppressors. Is that why you published this on April Fools' Day?
As Andrew Katz said, look at who's praising you. If those people are the ones you aim to please, then keep pleasing them. I don't know who you are, but I know WHAT you are.