If you refuse to vote for "the lesser of two evils," because you repeat the truism that it is still evil, then you willingly allow the greater evil to prevail. Think of the evil you could prevent by keeping Republicans out of power. It's my duty to do everything I can to ensure that they don't prevail, because if you believe you're doomed now, then you ain't seen nothin' yet.
If you ask me what hard choices I've made, then my answer is that my hard choice is to do the difficult to work to keep democracy alive; raising funds, donating, writing letters, making the calls, sending the emails, researching and explaining voting requirements to folks in states other than my own, and sacrificing many of my own comforts, mostly money and time, for what I consider the greater good. If anybody out there is reading this, will you please do some of the same? One of the first rules against tyranny is not to give up in advance.