I'm a retired public school teacher, so I definitely know of what you speak. I have a big HOWEVER, however. You described Kemydre as wanting to make good choices but having some circumstances beyond his control pulling him back. I have had more than one black boy (why is it always the boys?) whose early school years had nothing but joy and promise. However, over the years, I could see the street drawing him in more and more. I don't know exactly what his teachers encountered from him when he was older, but I'm going to bet that it wasn't pleasant.
This boy, who was an eager and happy student in 1st grade, was in prison by 19 and a double-murderer by 25. I acknowledge that teachers with prejudices can harm any child. I also want to point out that students spend a lot more time with their neighborhoods and families than they do with us. Sometimes the pull of that world is a stronger magnet.