I'm going to have to disagree, David, and I've said this before. After Obama was elected, American white people had an existential crisis like never before. Every racist threw over their rock, and they had the active assistance of Republicans in Congress to make their hatred known.
In 2010, all of us who should have returned to the polls in 2012, were happy to stay home. We had what we wanted. Democrats not only lost the House, they lost it by record numbers. Folks still showed up in 2012. It was a Presidential Election year and we wanted to keep Barack Obama in office, so we showed up. Uh-oh. In 2014, a mid-term year, we stayed home again and lost the Senate, a move which has repercussions today.
No, black people are not to blame, but we could have done better. I'm not the only one who has heard of more black voters gravitating toward Donald Trump, for whatever reason. Yes, "conservatives" need to save the country, but most of them are too busy being white to do it. We're not the only ones who need to show up, but we need to show up.