I'm reading this article and your reply to months after it was published, and I believe that if you the writer is complaining about being beautiful, then you've misunderstood her message. I was considered an unattractive child; I was teased, people complained about my "stiff" personality, and I was completely ignored by boys. By some magic of catching up into my face, and with help from contacts and a cute haircut, I became not just beautiful, but stunning, overnight at age 22. I darn sure didn't complain about it, but I discovered a lot about human nature, and it wasn't pretty. Men who completely ignored me wanted to date. I was the same person I was six months before, and they hadn't given me the time of day. Was I complaining? No. I was disturbed by the hypocrisy. I never paid for the meal or the cab ride I would have paid for six months earlier. Employers offered me jobs I wasn't looking for. I had nothing to brag about; I was the same book, but with a different cover. Isvari is not complaining. She is telling you the shock of experiencing other people's ugliness BECAUSE of her beauty.