It is a sad, but unacknowledged, fact of patriarchy, that women do not "belong" to themselves. We "belong" to the men of our ethnicity, and if one of us steps "outside" of our racial boundaries, then the men of our race have been dissed because another kind of man "knows" us. The meaning of the word "know" never became as clear to me as when I recognized that.
White males lose their stuff over interracial relationships because if a black man "knows" one white woman, then he knows them all, including the ones that don't "belong" to him. If you ever doubt me, then if you ever witness an interracial couple have a public dispute, all the men of the wife's race within a ten-mile area will come ready to fight for her defense. It's because she's "theirs."
Racism and patriarchy combined are essentially a "binary bomb," and it's the reason that racism is so prevalent. It's not only a status thing or a tribal thing, it's a male thing.