I've repeated it so much that I don't want to repeat it anymore. Bernie was old then. Bernie is Jewish and Americans are anti-Semitic. Bernie is blind to race and attributes all political differences to class. As a Democratic Socialist, even the designation frightens most Americans, because they don't know what Democratic Socialism is. Bernie would be smoked in Southern states so badly he'd come out looking like a spent cigar. People who live in trailer parks do not have cushy lifestyles and private insurance, yet they would never vote for an old, Socialist Jew. The "only ones" opposed to Bernie are elites? "Only ones" is a lot of people. Are you sure you can prove what you say, or are you willing to admit that that is your opinion rather than fact?
Bernie, and farther left politicians like him, are black swans who can only be elected in particular places. If Bernie lived in any other New England state, he could not be elected and re-elected to the Senate. If AOC moved even one district, she would not be able to win an election. I consider myself well left-of-center, and a Progressive. I also consider myself a pragmatic person who wants to win. Do you really believe that the Democratic Party is so in the tank for particular candidates that they would prefer running them to winning?
You are welcome to your opinion, but it isn't necessarily right. Perhaps you need to think more clearly about where the nonsense lies. Dig in your backyard and you may find it hiding there. Shalom and Salaam.