Jaron, I seriously wonder if you have either taken leave of your senses or you are a shill for the other side. (Yes, I really do wonder that.)
Joe Biden is the architect of all things racist, evil, and blatantly against black people? Come on, Jaron, if you were alive and had reached the age of some reason in 1994, then you would know and remember that black Americans themselves supported the Crime Bill, as did many black Congressional Reps. You know, we're the victims of crimes more than any other group, and we don't particularly enjoy seeing criminals not punished. Do I agree with every provision of the Crime Bill? Of course not. Do I believe that every provision was a deliberate threat to black people? No. There were many Hate Crime laws that were enacted as part of the 1994 Crime Bill. Those were meant to PROTECT blacks, Jews, gays, and other victims of hate crimes, which, you must admit, are generally crimes which blacks don't perpetrate. Second, you are essentially saying that black people commit all the crimes. We don't. I also agree that crime is linked to economics. That's why you can visit an upper-class neighborhood and NOT SEE the crime. It's not being committed in the streets; it's being committed in the suites. Why should I hold you up for a pair of sneakers when I can empty your bank account with a touch of a button?
Do you recall the Assault Weapons Ban? That 10-year provision kept of a lot freer of gun violence than we are now. A Republican effort is what repealed it, and Republicans have been making our lives more dangerous ever since.
Now, come on. Inflation, high gas prices, high food prices, and high utility bills are Biden's fault? Gosh, if he were solely responsible, do you think he might be trying to address them? I presume you're intelligent, so I'm also going to presume that you actually analyze social and economic issues beyond the surface. During the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we had substantially less demand for many consumer items, most particularly clothing, and for a period of time, gasoline--because no one was going anywhere. Inflation, higher gas prices, and higher food prices all go together. They are a result of several factors, including increased demand for gasoline, hangover of supply-chain issues, corporate price scalping, and, you're right--record-breaking heat.
How many times in the past decade has one party in particular attempted to join world efforts on energy consumption and "cleaner" technology?How many times have those efforts been subverted by another party owned by the energy sector? Heck, Republicans pared down "Build Back Better" until it was almost nothing, not Democrats. Joe Manchin JUST, JUST sabotaged an energy bill that would have passed had it not been for him.
You go ahead and tell black people to stay home. We stayed home in 2016, Trump got elected president, and we've been suffering ever since. Democrats have a five-vote margin in the House and a tie in the Senate. If you really want to see misery, then encourage everyone to stay home this November and in 2024. If you think it's impossible to be sadder than we were from January 2017 to January 2021, then you don't have much of an imagination.
Please, please, take all that indignation you're full of and suggest something useful with it.