Okay, I'm black, female, and think Will Smith was wrong as hell. The worst thing Smith did, in my opinion, was prove the racist trope that black people, especially black men, have no control over their emotions and use violence as a first resort. "You can dress 'em up, but you can't take 'em out."
My husband and I have often had discussions about how to react to an insult either to him or to me. I expect my husband to ignore the "lizard-brain" response and to use his intelligence and wit, not only to defuse the situation, but also to come out the winner. I can think of a half-dozen ways Smith (and Jada) could have responded.
I don't attend to a lot of entertainment-industry gossip, so I'm one of the few, it seems, who knew nothing about Jada's hair, but I do know that the Smiths live their lives publicly. All celebrities use their celebrity as commodities. What they want to keep private, they try to keep private. What they want broadcasted, they broadcast, or let "leak" out through their publicists. Being commodities, public figures know what they're in for. The Smiths do little for the institution of marriage when they conduct theirs as publicly as they do, and Smith did nothing for marriage when he put on the "he man" persona. I have NO sympathy for Smith. Am I the only one who noticed that he laughed at the joke too? Maybe he should have slapped himself.