Out of curiosity about what Fox would say, if anything, about the Dominion settlement, I watched Tucker Carlson's show from 8-9 p.m. last Tuesday. The content was entirely racist. According to him, and Elon Musk, their not-so-well-hidden messages were that black people are violent and evil, Democrats encourage violence and sloth, and white people need to be afraid because people of color are taking over the world. It was a hard job to keep the nausea down while virtually inhaling that bile for an hour, but I managed.
If the interior Tucker is not "racist," then he relies (or should I say relied?) on repeating the tropes of racism and racists nightly. If he doesn't believe what he says, and we know he didn't about the results of the 2020 election, then he is the worst form of hypocrite. Yes. He is racist if he feels free to use the tenets of racism to cater to an ignorant and gullible audience. He is racist if he's willing to use black, brown, and non-English-speaking people as fodder to manufacture outrage among whites. He did, and does, both.
Now, I ask you, what is your proof that Tucker Carlson is NOT racist? I look forward to reading your response.