You Know how to Save Yourselves Without my Help
So, friends. Republican state legislatures in 43 states have voter-suppression laws in the works. Some are bold, some are devious, and some are just petty. Democrats have House and Senate margins skinnier than my legs as a five-year old. Seventy-four million people voted for Donald Trump. We saw angry, crazy, and armed white people storm the U.S. Capitol in the feigned belief that their side won the Presidential election. They wanted 1861 all over again, but with a different ending.
Gotham City is in trouble! What should we do? Get the signal ready! Call Stacey!
No. Do not call Stacey Abrams. She’s busy, and you know how to drive your own car. As a people, we are not princesses in distress waiting for somebody to save us. We know how to save ourselves, and if not, then it’s time to learn how. Stacey Abrams is a genuine superheroine, and she saved the nation by saving Georgia. However, she was a regular “Stacey” before she became “Stacey.” She is smart. She is impressively educated. She is humorous and hard working, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. What she isn’t, though, is magical.