The seasons are in order, the Earth is back on its axis, and I am disagreeing with the light-hearted Kourtney Nikole yet again. Perhaps that is life as it should be.
Kourtney Nicole, are you really calling black writers "mentally enslaved" who write about racism? What is "redundant" about black people writing about racism? What's "redundant" is having to live with racism when our lives are about so much more than skin color. Please tell that to the racist white people who visit the insults upon us that we are compelled to report.
Langston Hughes, James Baldwin, Zora Neal Hurston, Alice Walker, Toni Morrison and Richard Wright have work that contains much depth and range; however, their depth and range generally encompasses the existential harm they, and other people of color experience, merely because they lived life in various shades of brown. Omit either overt or tacit themes of "race" in their work, and there is little left to read.
I am trying hard to understand your point of view and your "light-hearted content," but calling other writers "victims" because they choose to write about their personal history and the history American society is a low blow, and one which you may not be qualified to make.
"Don't let your history interfere with your destiny?" What? Our very presence in the Americas is an artifact of history, and our caste by skin color is not of our own making. Yep. I'm going to continue to write about "race," if only to keep demonstrating to those folks who need to hear it that I'm not the one who came up with either the concept or its effects.