Then those people got fooled, and if they would still vote for Drumpf, then they not only fooled, but they are fools. Demagogues like Drumpf talk about the economy, or, more accurately, complain about it, with the full knowledge that most Americans who talk about the economy have no real knowledge of how it works. If it did, it could hardly ever support a Republican Congress. The same is true for many of the other Republican bogeymen that get trotted out to scare their base. CRT? Most people who are against it couldn't define it if you offered them $1,000 to do it. Immigration? Hostility to immigration has more to do with prejudice than it has to do with worries about the economy.
I've said this before on another site, and I'll repeat it. When I heard people state, "He says what I'm thinking," then I gave up hope for the general US population. We are unschooled, are bamboozled by wealth and celebrity, often mistaking it for competence, and we love dictators, because we prefer implacable certainty over disturbing knowledge.
Oh, and don't forget racism.