There are too many people who serve in positions of public authority who believe that it is their role to deny, deny, deny, and they teach that attitude to the general public. Children don't deserve decent school food. High-schoolers don't deserve a modern gym, or library. Low-income parents don't deserve help to supply their chidren with what are everyday treats for other children. Elders, whether they raised us with better or worse care, still deserve not to have to choose between life-giving medicine, food, and other necessities.
We spread our lack of regard into denying anyone who doesn't look like us, speak like us, and so on. At what point did we decide that we should limit support to the skin- flintiest amount we could? There are some, after all, who love and indulge their pets, but who wouldn't think of doing the same for other people's children. It's a sad world.