These black, Republican men running for higher office are the second, or perhaps, third, most dangerous phenomenenon to happen to black America. The first is its unthinking religious conservatism, which has us repeating passed-down sayings and behaviors without thinking them through.
I'm going to get some angry responses here, and I welcome them. Black "conservatism" doesn't come from thought-out arguments, but from relying on religion that keeps us passive and non-critical. I can't tell you how many times I urged people to vote in 2016 because Donald Trump was a threat to our community.
First of all, they weren't interested in voting because no one black was running. Second, way too many people answered with "God has it." I don't know what God, or any other deity thinks, but I can't believe that any one of them would punish us with Donald Trump and his racist, grifting cadre for four years. People are willing not to take control of their own lives and that is to our detriment. Jesus doesn't need to take the wheel. If you know how to drive, then you should know where you're going and how to get there.
There are always going to be black people who vote for other blacks just because they're black, but none of those four clowns has our interests at heart or mind. They are the "front-of-the-curtain" shills for the real powers behind it. Let's stop getting fooled.
The forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the ax. Because its handle was made of wood, they thought that it was one of them.