We reserve our constructive feedback for whites because systemic racism is the reason for the differences in achievement. Any existential state in which black Americans currently find themselves is still an artifact of slavery. Perhaps you would do well to follow Steve's advice and do a little homework. If society genuinely wanted blacks to "raise their game," then it has had decades, if not centuries, to do so.
Let me give the example of Barack Obama, who had "game" if anyone did, including more game than most white people. Did whites celebrate his achievements and recognize his talents? Hell no. The white power structure did everything it could to deny him the least victory, and the white existential backlash against his very existence allowed the open racism that flourishes today and can destroy the state of our democracy, if we let it. They wanted his example to be a lesson to other "uppity" blacks. Rise, and we will gleefully squash you. Now, prove me wrong.