Wow. You've been observing, thinking, and explaning, sometimes to those who are not ready to hear what you have so carefully examined.
I am one of those extraordinarily fortunate black people for whom "race" comes second in my mind. I know what I look like, I spend time in the mirror, but I can actually spend days "forgetting" I'm black, which means presuming I'm like everyone else around until something happens to remind me that I'm not. I don't necessarily automatically go through the algorithm, because I'm just spending my time being me, but, as you have pointed out, when I see racism, I know it.
What's the good thing about my "forgetting" that I'm black from day to day? I don't have to spend my time running through the algorithm. What's the down side? Any time I see or experience racism, it stings anew. I didn't don my armor, and the arrow found its way through.